Monday, September 20, 2010

International Conference of Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) 2010

After much persuasion from my supervisor,  I finally gave in. Under different circumstances, I would have jump for the opportunity to travel to such a fascinating part of the world and present at an esteem conference. But being far away from home, and with Zade not even 3 years old, the idea of travelling for more than 20 hours in a plane is not really appealing. Money is another issue. Travelling will definitely incur high cost, and I really would rather save then fork out a small fortune for travelling. I don't even travel around Australia, so it never crossed my mind to travel half way across the world at this point in time. However the deal is sealed when I received the news that RMIT will be giving me sponsorship to attend the conference which should be enough to cover the flight ticket, accommodation, fees and food for the duration of the conference.

For the first time, we travelled on Emirates. I found it to be much better than Malaysian Airlines. Better service, food and movie selection. And they give out a lot of goodies to little kids to keep them occupied during the flight.

So of we go, Danial, Zade and I. It turned out to be one of the most wonderful and memorable trip that I've taken. Alhamdulillah, I am thankful for having the chance to participate at ICAS 2010, and getting feedbacks about my research work from delegates around the world. And more importantly to travel to a beautiful place, which never in my imagination that I thought that I would ever reach here.

Opening ceremony at the Acropolis Convention Centre

Delegates from RMIT at the ICAS 2012, Australia booth

ICAS 2010

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